

My New Role!Marketing Analysis


My New Role!Marketing Analysis

Hey, guys! This is Nadia.

A business analyst at Novitas.


In spite of my marketing education I decided to quit marketing about 5 years ago but now I’m starting marketing analysis again! 

There is no way to escape from your fate, right? 😂


#Spes Nostra~Nadia’s growth path~meaning
Spes Nostra” means “our hope” in Latin. And also my name “Nadia” means “hope, expectation” in Russian. I came to Novitas with certain expectations, hopes and I’ll also do all my best to meet the company’s expectations and grow personally. So I started this blog series to share my growth path with you.


Studying marketing for about 4 years at the university I was dreaming of becoming a professional marketer. After my bachelor graduation and also receiving a master’s degree in marketing, I worked for a few years as a marketer. And when I decided to move on to another company I was also thinking about marketing career but something went wrong…😂 

And this is how I started my new career in customer support!


This was not the work I aimed for at the beginning but it was new to me so I decided to take this challenge and, surprisingly, I liked this job! I was even getting more inspired from the feedback of my satisfied clients rather than from the salary so I decided to move on my career this new way and become a professional customer support representative instead of becoming a pro marketer. And I did not regret anything, because marketing education made a great input in my way of thinking, which helped me a lot in customer support as well…



After 5 years I took another challenge and went to Japan to work at Novitas. The Japanese language has a number of different honorific levels of speech so it was still difficult for me to work in Japanese customer support, unfortunately. 😂


This is why I started company analysis at Novitas. When I was a university student and also when I worked in customer support the ability to analyze data was extremely important. Even in marketing my favorite subject was strategic marketing!


Analyzing companies at Novitas in Japan I also noticed some marketing analysis templates that I had studied at the university and had been using in marketing work so it was nostalgic to remember the past when I was a student and then a marketer. 

And I also remembered how interesting marketing was, that I had already forgotten about over the past 5 years. 😂


One day I talked to the company CEO about marketing templates and my nostalgic feelings. As a result he bought a book with a number of different analysis templates and let me run the marketing analysis internal project, which made me very happy!


marketing analysis

(I picked up a number of templates from this book for our company analysis)


There were a number of analysis templates in this book that I had studied at the university and had used in my previous marketing work but there were also a number of templates that I’d never seen before so I was looking forward to starting analysis with these new frameworks. 


In this marketing analysis process we normally make a conclusion based on each template approximately once a month and then make an overall conclusion for the company when the picked up templates are over at the end of the year, so It seems to take much time to get to the end. 🙂


It may be difficult to search and analyze different information but I think that I’m that kind of person who can only be satisfied by difficult work. You ask why? 

Because beer tastes better when you are tired! 😂


Quitted marketing 5 years ago, in the end, I got back to marketing again with the help of Novitas. So from now on in addition to different companies analysis I will be holding Novitas internal marketing analysis as well. 

I will also do my best to show how interesting marketing analysis is to the rest of the employees with no marketing experience so we will paint the picture of the company’s future together. 


It seems to be a long difficult path but I strive to become a leader with high EQ (emotional quotient), so it will be a good chance and experience.


But what does it mean, a leader with high EQ? 

Check out my next article. See you!