

A Leadership Hint!


A Leadership Hint!

Hey guys! This is Nadia.

A business analyst at Novitas who loves flowers. 🙂

Today I’d like to share with you a leadership hint that I faced when I was analyzing one of the companies.


#Spes Nostra~Nadia’s growth path~ meaning
Spes Nostra” means “our hope” in Latin. And also my name “Nadia” means “hope, expectation” in Russian. I came to Novitas with certain expectations, hopes and I’ll also do all my best to meet the company’s expectations and grow personally. So I started this blog series to share my growth path with you.


I was analyzing different companies weekly and one day a new company to analyze appeared to be Park Corporation that managed Aoyama Flower Market (a flower shops chain). I love flowers so I was excited about this company’s analysis. The more I researched the more interesting it was for me and I became addicted. 😀


When I was analyzing the company’s double increase of sales over the past 10 years I found a CEO’s interview. The reason for the sales increase was a CEO’s idea to deliver cut flowers daily at a low price on a high-price market of congratulatory flowers.

I found the answer I was looking for but the CEO’s way of thinking was so interesting that I could not stop reading the interview until the very end. 😀


leadership hint aoyama


You cannot make your company great by only implementing a great strategic idea. No matter how great your idea is, it has no chance if your employees have no motivation.

The Park Corporation CEO was really understanding the importance of motivation so he implemented a “system of goals”. The system itself is not a new business idea or a management hint but what is interesting is the CEO’s approach to the “system of goals”.


If a goal is set up by the Tops of the company, the employees have little motivation to reach it. On the contrary it’s far more interesting to try their own strength in reaching the goals they set up themselves. 😀

This is why The Park Corporation CEO implemented “frames” instead of goals so the employees set up their goals within the given frames and thought about the ways of reaching them themselves.


But what if you let your employees set up the goals themselves and the income decreases? “This is not a big deal if the income decreases for a while” – the CEO said.

“Employees who could not reach their own goals this time will do all their best and work out new ideas next time. On the other hand, the employees who reached their goals this time have a tendency to relax for a while, so those who reach the goals next year will change.”


I’ve never thought about the goal setting system in terms of frames so I was impressed when I read about the CEO’s way of thinking. I was analyzing The Park Corporation about 7 months ago  but I still remember this leadership hint.😀


It was a great experience for me and I hope you enjoyed reading about it.

See you next time!